Practice News

15th Jan

Green Impact for Health

The Green Impact for Health project has been developed for General Practice by the National Union of Students, GPs, trainees, and medical students. It’s supported by University of Bristol, NHS Health Education South West and the Severn Faculty of the RCGP. The web-based scheme is designed to improve the environmental performance of general practice while saving money and ensuring that the way we provide our services offers the greatest benefit to society as a whole.

Fell Tower Medical Centre is now taking part in this scheme.

The project was based on the highly successful Green Impact scheme run by NUS in over 400 organisations including universities, hospitals and dental surgeries. It works by guiding staff through a set of pro-sustainability actions, each of which earn points towards an overall award; bronze, silver or gold. Each action has a rationale or evidence base, and most have advice on the easiest ways to achieve them. The practice uploads the evidence to show that they are meeting the criteria for the scheme and there is a light tough external validation of the evidence.

A few examples are:

  • Encouraging the use of social prescribing (See in Services for information on Social Prescribing)
  • Raising awareness of physical activity to our patients and staff
  • Reducing office waste
  • Energy saving
Orange Book
11th Dec 2023

The Little Orange Book

The Little Orange Book contains advice and tips on how to manage common illnesses and problems that babies and young children often experience in the first 5 years of their lives.  It also has information on more serious conditions, what to look out for and how to help.

Download the digital version here:



Contactless preferred
29th Nov 2023

Payments for Non-NHS Services

The Practice provides some non-NHS services to our patients, these services can incur a fee. We are able to accept contactless payment for any services carried out and this is our preferred method of payment.

For a list of these services, please see "Fees for Non-NHS Services" at the foot of this page.

Flu Logo
29th Nov 2023

Flu Vaccinations for patients with long term conditions

If you are aged 18-64 and have a long term condtion, you are elligable for a free Flu vaccination.

Please contact the surgery directly to book your appointment and stay well this winter.

Walk and wheel
27th Nov 2023

Walk and Wheel Gateshead

Get moving with Walk and Wheel Gateshead 

Walking and cycling can make you feel better, physically and mentally. It's also good for the environment and your local community.

However, we understand that it's not always easy to walk or ride a bike, even for short distances. We know that lots of people don't feel fit enough or confident enough. For some people, it's simply not practical or they don't know where to start.

Walk and Wheel Gateshead can help. We support people of all ages, fitness levels and abilities, including wheelchair users. Our friendly team works with people to understand how they're feeling and how we can help them take the first steps towards a more active lifestyle. The team will learn from the people they support so that we can ultimately make walking and cycling easier for everyone in Gateshead.

We are currently running a number of free walking and cycling taster sessions throughout Gateshead that anyone, no matter your fitness level can join.

Keep an eye on our Better Health Gateshead Facebook page for the latest dates and times of activity sessions.

For more information about the service please visit the Gateshead Council website